Level 12

This is personally one of the hardest levels due to all the blue dots surrounding and because my keyboard isn't very good it is quite hard to move around. Well first just follow the path making sure the blue dots going down do not hit you and then wait at the middle part. As soon as the blue dot has passed you going down then go to the left and straight up. Move left when you are at the top and just follow the path again to the green zone, making sure you avoid the blue dots going up and down across the screen. Now at the green zone you should go down and follow the path getting the yellow dot and following the path back all the way to the middle. Now wait for the blue dot to hit the top and then chase it down and go to the left and then just follow the path into the green zone. You might want to go diagonally right at the end instead of up and then left because the blue dots go quicker than you think.