To start you need to go to the top of the screen and then as far to the left as possible so you don't get hit. Now wait for the windmill of blue dots to pass and then run just next to the middle so you are nearly hitting the blue dots. As soon as it moves then you follow it straight to the left and then hold down so you go diagonally and get it and then just keep going down then go into the place where the green zone is and wait until the windmill goes again. Now follow it to the right so you are just about not touching and then when you see it starting to move follow it straight to the right and then hold up so you go diagonally which will speed you up and get the yellow dot at the same time. Now go back to the start green zone. Wait for the windmill and you might want to go closer to the middle although it does move faster there and then just make your way to the end green zone.